A research team from the Technical University of Darmstadt, the University of Marburg and the University of Würzburg has demonstrated and confirmed vulnerabilities related to data protection and security of … Continue reading “Security and privacy vulnerabilities in the contact tracing approach by Google and Apple”
contact tracing
Australian Covidsafe App facing difficulties due to privacy concerns
The Australian Covidsafe contact tracing app has been in use for roughly a month but is now facing criticism according to this news article by The Guardian. The app is … Continue reading “Australian Covidsafe App facing difficulties due to privacy concerns”
Comparison of contact tracing approaches
We have performed an extensive analysis of existing and proposed contact tracing approaches in particular with regard to their anonymity and privacy properties. Please see here for a summary of … Continue reading “Comparison of contact tracing approaches”
TraceCORONA technical description
A high-level description of the technical approach taken in the anonymous and distributed tracing approach of TraceCORONA including a comparison with a number of prominent proposals or implemented systems for … Continue reading “TraceCORONA technical description”